Press Releases

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  • Apr 14, 2014
    Those fans with the RetailMeNot Coupons app will be pushed an exclusive Pizza Hut deal at the stadium and a chance to win tickets to Texas' home opener football game

    Hook 'em, Horns! The familiar slogan undoubtedly will be heard around Darrell K Royal-Texas Memorial Stadium on Saturday, April 19, at the annual University of Texas spring football game. In honor...

  • Apr 11, 2014
    Mobile commerce : key figures 2013 and forecast 2014.

    Mobile shoppers to account for nearly one in every five pounds (18%) spent on the internet in the UK this year, reveals new international m-commerce study from RetailMeNot, Inc., and the Centre...

  • Apr 10, 2014
    87 per cent in the east make Easter gifts – 1/10 even likes the Easter bunny better than Santa Claus. East Germans spend 32 euros on Easter gifts – 29 per cent in the west don’t give Easter gifts at all. Disillusioned West Germans? More than 1/3 believed in the Easter bunny as a child.

    Ostern im Osten beliebter: 85 Prozent gehen auf Eiersuche und Co. 87 Prozent in den neuen Bundesländern machen Ostergeschenke – jeder Zehnte mag Ostern sogar lieber als Weihnachten...

  • Apr 9, 2014

    RetailMeNot, Inc. (NASDAQ:SALE), the world's largest digital coupon marketplace, announced today it will report its first quarter 2014 financial results and business outlook on Monday, May 5, 2014...

  • Apr 9, 2014
    7 French on 10 have already postponed a purchase to buy it, later with a special offer

    93% des consommateurs français considèrent que les produits sans réduction sont vendus trop chers. Jamais sans une réduction : 87 % des consommateurs déclarent être plus attentifs aux bons...

  • Apr 9, 2014
    Study on mobile commerce in Europe

    Selon cette nouvelle étude, les Français devraient dépenser 4,2 milliards d’euros sur mobile en 2014, soit 14% du budget e-commerce [1] Près d’un Européen sur deux possède aujourd’hui...

  • Apr 7, 2014
    As the latest ONS report shows wages fell by 7.6 per cent since 2008 and household disposable income by 0.3 per cent, the annual UK Parent & Cost of Living Report from reveals parents have had their finances stretched even further when it comes to feeding their families.

    Two thirds of (63 per cent) of parents are spending more money on food as prices increase Therefore, over a fifth of parents (22 per cent) have been forced to cut back on the amount of food they...

  • Apr 4, 2014
    Almost no one would rather be an only child. 1/4 likes their siblings better today than during their childhood. 1/3 don’t give each other gifts – but birthday gifts more popular than Christmas presents. Like to share: Sisters are the better siblings.

    Lieb und teuer: Geschwister kosten 150 Euro jährlich Wahre Geschwisterliebe: Kaum jemand wäre lieber Einzelkind Ein Viertel mag seine Geschwister heute lieber als in der Kindheit Ein Drittel...

  • Apr 2, 2014
    Germans spend an average of 30 euros on Easter gifts. Easter traditions: 50 per cent hide and seek eggs, 1/3 paints them. Those who used to believe in the Easter bunny as a child, spends more money on Easter today. 1/5 buys discounted Easter candy after the holidays.

    Ostern ist das zweite Weihnachten: Drei Viertel der Deutschen machen zum Osterfest Geschenke Deutsche geben zu Ostern durchschnittlich 30 Euro für Geschenke aus Ostertraditionen: Jeder Zweite...

  • Apr 2, 2014
    Online retail sales are forecast to grow 17 per cent over the course of 2014, however a new report by has indicated that despite growth in ecommerce, the high street experience remains very important to shoppers.

    The latest Future of Online Retail Report reveals 41 per cent of shoppers see no barriers to shopping online Yet 2 in 5 women (38 per cent) still prefer the social experience of shopping on the...

  • Apr 1, 2014
    RetailMeNot Financial Literacy Month survey finds only 1 in 2 people are confident in their knowledge or understanding of personal finances

    RetailMeNot (, the largest digital coupon destination in the United States, today released concerning findings from a personal...

  • Mar 31, 2014
    Advertising and marketing agreement enables RetailMeNot to promote its smart shopping services to more than a million fans attending events at the new motorsport and entertainment venue

    RetailMeNot, Inc. (, the world's largest digital coupon marketplace, today announced that it has reached a multi-faceted...

  • Mar 27, 2014
    The average German engagement starts in the third year of the relationship and takes 12 months. 2/5 proposals are made spontaneously – Germans mostly propose at home or in the family circle. An average of 308 euros spent on the engagement ring.

    Verlobung: Jeden siebten Antrag macht die Frau – fast ein Drittel der Paare traut sich ohne Die deutsche Durchschnittsverlobung beginnt im dritten Beziehungsjahr und dauert ziemlich genau 12...

  • Mar 25, 2014
    Britain remains a nation of fast food addicts according to’s Annual Food Spend Study. Despite successfully reducing their yearly food bill by an average of nine per cent, a typical Brit still splurges £109 per month on convenience meals – just £12 a year less than in 2013.

    Brits spend a third of their total food budget on fast food £1,304 splurged on 140 non-home-cooked meals Get through an average of 64 ready meals per year Britain remains a nation of fast food...

  • Mar 24, 2014
    RetailMeNot survey finds nearly 1 in 3 consumers plan to file tax returns using online services this year

    RetailMeNot (, the largest digital coupon destination in the United States, today released data from a survey conducted with The...

  • Mar 24, 2014
    The annual UK Parent & Cost of Living Report from has revealed that the increased costs of living means 39 per cent of UK parents are having to spend more on day to day items for their children than ever before and are therefore struggling to keep up with the financial strain of raising their children.

    The UK Parents & Cost of Living Report has revealed two fifths (39%) of parents are having to spend more than ever on their kids Two in five (41 per cent*) of UK parents are turning to secured...

  • Mar 20, 2014
    Online sales to increase by 22 per cent YoY in 2014. Every other German (37 million) has made an online purchase in 2013. By European comparison, Germany's online spendings are the second highest behind Great Britain's.

    Studie: Umsatz im Online-Handel steigt 2014 erstmals auf über 40 Milliarden Euro Anstieg des Online-Umsatzes 2014 um 22 Prozent im Vergleich zum Vorjahr Jeder zweite Deutsche (37 Millionen)...

  • Mar 13, 2014
    E-Commerce : Key figures in Europe and U.S. in 2013 and forecast 2014 and 2015.

    Online sales set to grow by 16% in the UK, as for the first time the average shopper is set to spend more than £1,000 online this year, according to new international research from RetailMeNot...

  • Mar 13, 2014
    Personalized "mall experiences" and "favorite store" alerts deliver users offers from their favorite retailers within geo-fenced shopping destinations

    RetailMeNot (NASDAQ: SALE), the world's largest digital coupon destination, announced today an update of its free RetailMeNot Coupons app for iPhone...

  • Mar 11, 2014
    Study with the CRR on the key figures of e-commerce in 2013 and its forecast 2014-2015

    Exclusivité RetailMeNot – Les chiffres clé du e-commerce en 2013 et perspectives 2014-2015 Les Français sont les 3èmes plus gros consommateurs européens en ligne derrière les Allemands...

  • Mar 10, 2014
    New insight from has indicated that worrying about money tops the list of things keeping UK adults awake at night – more than the thought of getting divorced or being betrayed by a loved one.

    Over half (54 per cent) of UK adults are worried about money Salaries need to catch up - The UK’s biggest financial concerns are the rising cost of utility bills (60 per cent) and the rising...

  • Mar 10, 2014
    RetailMeNot finds productivity is expected to go down and spending up during college basketball finals

    Will you be tuning in for March Madness games this year? Will you be buying your favorite team's apparel? You are not alone! RetailMeNot...

  • Mar 3, 2014
    World’s largest digital coupon marketplace worked to build test model of a destination-bound coupon app called “Takeoff” on new business-friendly flight

    RETAILMENOT, INC. EMBARKED ON MID-FLIGHT HACKATHON DURING FIRST NONSTOP BRITISH AIRWAYS LONDON-TO-AUSTIN FLIGHT World’s largest digital coupon marketplace worked to build test model of a...

  • Mar 3, 2014
    Although households cut their spending, almost a quarter of French shoppers have increased their spend on organic food over the past 12 month.

    LE BIO ADOPTE PAR 3 FRANÇAIS SUR 4 - MAIS A PETITES DOSES En dépit d’un contexte économique difficile, près d’un quart (24%) des Français affirment avoir augmenté leurs dépenses pour...

  • Feb 26, 2014
    Carnival hater strongholds: Hesse, Rhineland-Palatinate and Bavaria in front; tolerant Capital. Northern states are paradise for Carnival fugitives. Laughing stock: 1/7 Germans (and 1/5 Bavarians) say that an adult in a costume is ridiculous.

    Jeder fünfte Deutsche hasst Karneval Hochburgen der Karnevalshasser: Hessen, Rheinland-Pfalz und Bayern an der Spitze; tolerante Hauptstädter Heißt’s Karneval oder Fasching? Karneval gewinnt...

  • Feb 20, 2014
    WhatsApp beats SMS and Facebook Messenger: 54 per cent of young singles make dates using the instant messaging service. Chat, don’t talk: WhatsApp as popular as a personal conversation – phone call only in fourth place. 1/3 under 30 researches Facebook profile before the date.

    Sprechen war gestern: WhatsApp beliebtester Verabredungskanal bei jungen Singles – Facebook noch hinter SMS WhatsApp schlägt SMS und Facebook Messenger: 54 Prozent der jungen Singles...

  • Feb 20, 2014
    World's largest digital coupon marketplace attracts high-growth business specialist to develop its UK operation., the UK’s largest digital coupon marketplace, today announces the appointment of Claire Davenport as its new General Manager and Vice President. Claire will oversee and...

  • Feb 18, 2014
    Startling new research from reveals British parents are unknowingly passing their debt and credit habits to their children.

    A fifth of kids use their parents card details to purchase items online Over one in ten children think it is okay to get a loan from the bank Only a third of parents are open about their family...

  • Feb 17, 2014
    In 2014 Germans will each spend an average of over 50 euros on Carnival costumes – online shopping and DIY help to save money. North Rhine-Westphalia are Carnival champions, Berlin is a revelers-free zone. Costume ranking: Witches and vampires beat police and pirates.

    Jeder dritte Deutsche verkleidet sich zu Karneval – Kostüm-Top 10: Hexen & Vampire schlagen Superhelden Nordrhein-Westfalen sind Karnevalsmeister, in Berlin herrscht Narren-Freiheit...

  • Feb 11, 2014
    RetailMeNot retail clients report incremental revenue due to increased transaction volumes and increased average order values

    RetailMeNot, Inc., (NASDAQ: SALE), the operator of the world's largest digital coupon marketplace, released today the findings of a commissioned study...

  • Feb 10, 2014
    Almost every other couple boycotts Valentine’s - for 26 per cent it has nothing to do with love. Guilty conscience? Men almost spend 20 euros more on Valentine’s than women. Words say more than a thousand deeds: 40 per cent of women are more excited about an expression of affection than about a gift.

    Candle-Leid-Dinner am 14. Februar: Jeder vierte Deutsche in einer Beziehung ist vom Valentinstag genervt Fast jedes zweite Paar boykottiert Valentinstag – für 26 Prozent hat er mit Liebe...

  • Feb 10, 2014
    RetailMeNot to give away $120,000 in prizes via the RetailMeNot Coupons app

    Do you love saving money? How about winning money? RetailMeNot (, the largest digital coupon destination in the United States,...

  • Feb 10, 2014
    Half term breaks the bank for parents.

    Quality time at a cost: The average cost of entertaining children over half term is £121 – almost £25 a day Anxious parents: 3 in 10 UK parents feel stressed just thinking about the cost...

  • Feb 7, 2014 survey reveals spending habits and what Canadians really want for Valentine's Day

    If given the choice between sex, dinner, lingerie or flowers this Valentine's Day, which would you prefer? According to a recent survey commissioned by...

  • Feb 7, 2014
    7 in 10 women would prefer to receive a gift over sex for Valentine's Day this year

    To gift or not to gift, that is the question for Valentine's Day this year. RetailMeNot (, the largest digital coupon destination...

  • Feb 6, 2014
    Fourth Quarter Net Revenues Increased 55% Over the Prior Year Period

    RetailMeNot, Inc. (NASDAQ:SALE), which operates the world's largest digital coupon marketplace, reported its financial results for the fourth quarter...

  • Jan 29, 2014
    Germans cheat on TV: 1/5 prefers to watch movies on a laptop or PC. Legal or illegal: 1/4 Germans streams movies online – video on demand services increasingly popular. Black eye for Blu-ray: DVDs still much more popular. 1/3 cleans their house during a movie.

    Filmgenuss Online: Video-on-Demand-Dienste schlagen Videotheken Die Deutschen gehen dem Fernseher fremd: Fast jeder Fünfte schaut Filme am liebsten auf Laptop oder PC Legal, illegal, auch egal:...

  • Jan 29, 2014

    RetailMeNot, Inc. (NASDAQ: SALE), which operates the world's largest digital coupon marketplace, today announced that Chief Executive Officer, G....

  • Jan 24, 2014
    Almost half of UK adults are unable to save and one in four are merely scraping by.

    Nation of scrimpers: Almost half of UK adults are unable to save (44 per cent) and one in four are merely scraping by (25 per cent) Can’t resist: Despite consumers struggling to pay the bills,...

  • Jan 22, 2014
    Movie theaters are too expensive: 1/2 choose the couch due to cost concerns. 4/10 would go to the movies more often if tickets were cheaper. Action movies belong on the big screen, romances are couch material.

    Kinopreise versalzen den Filmspaß: 72 Prozent schauen am liebsten zu Hause Kino ist zu teuer: Jeder Zweite wählt aus Kostengründen die eigene Couch Vier von zehn würden öfter ins Kino gehen,...

  • Jan 22, 2014
    Study reveals that only 7% of internet users have never used a coupon

    Seuls 7% des internautes n’ont jamais utilisé de coupon A la recherche du coupon : 56% des internautes recherchent des coupons sur Internet ou mobile pour économiser en magasin. Utiliser son...

  • Jan 15, 2014

    RetailMeNot (, the largest digital coupon destination in the United States, today released a retail forecast examining consumer...

  • Jan 13, 2014
    More than one consumer out of four have abandoned a purchase because they couldn't find a coupon

    Amsterdam, 13 januari 2014 – Het nieuwe jaar is begonnen en de uitverkoop is losgebarsten. Maar niet alleen in januari kunnen consumenten korting krijgen op hun aankopen. Uit de eerste...

  • Jan 10, 2014

    RetailMeNot, Inc. (NASDAQ:SALE), the world's largest digital coupon marketplace, announced today it will report its fourth quarter 2013 financial...

  • Jan 6, 2014
    The joy of ringing in the New Year may not last very long as new research from discovers the nation is over £200 poorer on average in the first month of 2014 compared to January last year.

    Unhappy New Year: A third of UK adults think this month is financially tougher than January 2013 (32 per cent) compared to just 1 in 10 who think it is more manageable (13 per cent) Over £200...

  • Jan 2, 2014
    Study on consumer expectations in France over the winter sales period

    PRES D’UN CONSOMMATEUR SUR TROIS (32%) PREVOIT DE BAISSER SON BUDGET DE SOLDES D’HIVER CETTE ANNEE Pour 62% des consommateurs, le budget consacré aux soldes s’élève à 100 euros ou plus...

  • Dec 23, 2013
    New research from suggests UK shoppers may want to keep the receipt for their Christmas purchases as two fifths of Brits will be disappointed with their presents.

    All I want for Christmas: Two fifths of Brits receive unwanted gifts at Christmas (42 per cent) Luck of the Scottish: Yorkshire and Humberside residents are the most unlucky with their choice of...

  • Dec 18, 2013 study presents forecast for the biggest shopping day of the year


  • Dec 18, 2013
    December 26 Kicks Off Six Days of Selfish Shopping

    The holiday season is coming to an end, but for many consumers, the shopping continues. RetailMeNot (, the largest...

  • Dec 18, 2013
    -- More than 3 in 4 (79%) consumers plan to shop end-of-year sales after the holidays

    The holiday season is coming to an end, but for many consumers, the shopping continues. RetailMeNot (, the largest digital coupon...

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RetailMeNot PR Department
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RetailMeNot, France