Press Releases

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  • Apr 30, 2014
    More than 9 in 10 German mothers get mother's day gifts – 71 per cent of German children give their moms flowers. 1 in 10 buys mother's day flowers online, three in four in a flower shop. Germans spend an average of 14 euros on the flowery mother's day gift. Daughters make gifts themselves – sons often buy last-minute.

    Am 11. Mai ist Muttertag – für fast drei Viertel der Deutschen eine sehr blumige Angelegenheit: 71 Prozent der Bundesbürger schenken ihrer Mama zum Ehrentag Blumen. Das ergab eine Umfrage von

  • Apr 24, 2014
    If 59 % of the French people kept the same budget sport as the last year, 19 % decreased it and 10 % increased it.

    Une relation durable : 59% des Français affirment que la crise n’a pas affecté leur engouement au sport, tandis que 37% disent le contraire et s’orientent vers des sports nécessitant peu ou...

  • Apr 22, 2014
    RetailMeNot to have strong marketing presence across GGP's regional shopping malls in the U.S

    RetailMeNot, Inc. (, the world's largest digital coupon marketplace, today announced it reached a strategic partnership agreement with Chicago-based General Growth...

  • Apr 16, 2014
    In 2014 one euro in six in online retail will come from mobile devices. E-commerce powerhouse: 1/4 of smartphone users have visited a mobile shop in 2013. European comparison: Germany second biggest m-commerce market after Great Britain.

    Mobiler Handel: 2014 Umsatzverdopplung auf 6,6 Milliarden Euro erwartet 2014 kommt jeder sechste Euro im Online-Handel von mobilen Endgeräten Zugpferd des Online-Handels: Jeder vierte deutsche...

  • Apr 15, 2014

    AUSTIN, Texas, April 15, 2014/PRNewswire/ RetailMeNot Acquires New York City-based Pickie, a Curated Digital Catalog Website and iPad App

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RetailMeNot, France