Press Releases

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  • Jun 17, 2014
    Although 7 French people on 10 made globally more attention than last year in their budget, 41 % are going to keep the same budget for the sales as last year.

    Les soldes toujours plébiscités par les Français : 1 Français sur 2 consomme pendant les soldes pour faire des économies et 4 Français sur 10 achètent pour trouver les produits dont ils ont...

  • Jun 16, 2014
    Survey Results Reveal An Optimism For Digital Marketing That Isn't Yet Reflected in Budget Allocations

    RetailMeNot, Inc. (, the world's largest marketplace for digital offers, today released the findings of a survey conducted by Kelton ( and...

  • Jun 12, 2014
    4 in 10 are already using coupon websites – more than every other wants to try going forward. Every other would try out a new shop because of a coupon - one in seven would abort a purchase if he or she does not find a matching coupon. 1 in 5 regularly spends more money than planned because of online coupons.

    Fast 40 Prozent der Konsumenten nutzen bereits Gutscheincode-Websites – über die Hälfte kann es sich zukünftig vorstellen Jeder Zweite würde aufgrund des passenden Gutscheins bei einem...

  • Jun 11, 2014
    9 in 10 men and three quarters of the women will watch the World Cup. 17 per cent will invest in new electronic equipment – in average about 376 euros. Nerve-wrecking WC: 1 in 4 smokers will smoke more - but 11 per cent of football fans want to watch their health during the WC.

    9 von 10 Männern und drei Viertel der Frauen wollen sich die WM anschauen 17 Prozent investieren in neue Technik – durchschnittlich rund 376 Euro WM zehrt an den Nerven: Jeder vierte...

  • Jun 4, 2014
    8 French people on 10 spend 50€ or less a month in cultural products.

    L'acccès à la musique, aux films, aux livres, aux bandes dessinées et aux jeux vidéo a considérablement évolué ces dernières années : support physique, dématérialisation,...

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RetailMeNot, France