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Jeder fünfte Deutsche hasst Karneval Hochburgen der Karnevalshasser: Hessen, Rheinland-Pfalz und Bayern an der Spitze; tolerante Hauptstädter Heißt’s Karneval oder Fasching? Karneval gewinnt...
Sprechen war gestern: WhatsApp beliebtester Verabredungskanal bei jungen Singles – Facebook noch hinter SMS WhatsApp schlägt SMS und Facebook Messenger: 54 Prozent der jungen Singles..., the UK’s largest digital coupon marketplace, today announces the appointment of Claire Davenport as its new General Manager and Vice President. Claire will oversee and...
A fifth of kids use their parents card details to purchase items online Over one in ten children think it is okay to get a loan from the bank Only a third of parents are open about their family...
Jeder dritte Deutsche verkleidet sich zu Karneval – Kostüm-Top 10: Hexen & Vampire schlagen Superhelden Nordrhein-Westfalen sind Karnevalsmeister, in Berlin herrscht Narren-Freiheit...
RetailMeNot, Inc., (NASDAQ: SALE), the operator of the world's largest digital coupon marketplace, released today the findings of a commissioned study...
Candle-Leid-Dinner am 14. Februar: Jeder vierte Deutsche in einer Beziehung ist vom Valentinstag genervt Fast jedes zweite Paar boykottiert Valentinstag – für 26 Prozent hat er mit Liebe...
Do you love saving money? How about winning money? RetailMeNot (, the largest digital coupon destination in the United States,...
Quality time at a cost: The average cost of entertaining children over half term is £121 – almost £25 a day Anxious parents: 3 in 10 UK parents feel stressed just thinking about the cost...
If given the choice between sex, dinner, lingerie or flowers this Valentine's Day, which would you prefer? According to a recent survey commissioned by...
To gift or not to gift, that is the question for Valentine's Day this year. RetailMeNot (, the largest digital coupon destination...
RetailMeNot, Inc. (NASDAQ:SALE), which operates the world's largest digital coupon marketplace, reported its financial results for the fourth quarter...
Filmgenuss Online: Video-on-Demand-Dienste schlagen Videotheken Die Deutschen gehen dem Fernseher fremd: Fast jeder Fünfte schaut Filme am liebsten auf Laptop oder PC Legal, illegal, auch egal:...
RetailMeNot, Inc. (NASDAQ: SALE), which operates the world's largest digital coupon marketplace, today announced that Chief Executive Officer, G....
Nation of scrimpers: Almost half of UK adults are unable to save (44 per cent) and one in four are merely scraping by (25 per cent) Can’t resist: Despite consumers struggling to pay the bills,...
Kinopreise versalzen den Filmspaß: 72 Prozent schauen am liebsten zu Hause Kino ist zu teuer: Jeder Zweite wählt aus Kostengründen die eigene Couch Vier von zehn würden öfter ins Kino gehen,...
Seuls 7% des internautes n’ont jamais utilisé de coupon A la recherche du coupon : 56% des internautes recherchent des coupons sur Internet ou mobile pour économiser en magasin. Utiliser son...
RetailMeNot (, the largest digital coupon destination in the United States, today released a retail forecast examining consumer...
Amsterdam, 13 januari 2014 – Het nieuwe jaar is begonnen en de uitverkoop is losgebarsten. Maar niet alleen in januari kunnen consumenten korting krijgen op hun aankopen. Uit de eerste...
RetailMeNot, Inc. (NASDAQ:SALE), the world's largest digital coupon marketplace, announced today it will report its fourth quarter 2013 financial...
Unhappy New Year: A third of UK adults think this month is financially tougher than January 2013 (32 per cent) compared to just 1 in 10 who think it is more manageable (13 per cent) Over £200...
PRES D’UN CONSOMMATEUR SUR TROIS (32%) PREVOIT DE BAISSER SON BUDGET DE SOLDES D’HIVER CETTE ANNEE Pour 62% des consommateurs, le budget consacré aux soldes s’élève à 100 euros ou plus...
All I want for Christmas: Two fifths of Brits receive unwanted gifts at Christmas (42 per cent) Luck of the Scottish: Yorkshire and Humberside residents are the most unlucky with their choice of...
The holiday season is coming to an end, but for many consumers, the shopping continues. RetailMeNot (, the largest...